Ticket scroll

This example shows another use of ScrollingAnimation to make a collapsing and expanding top section for a scrolling list. The example is inspired by this cool pice by Cam Macbeth. Icons are taken from Google’s excellent Material Icons pack.

Defining our colors

The color palette is defined in its own class called ColorPalette and is instantiated in the top of our MainView.ux.

<Panel ux:Class="ColorPalette">
    <float4 ux:Global="LightGray"       ux:Value="#FDFDFD"   />
    <float4 ux:Global="LightGrayFaded"  ux:Value="#FDFDFD88" />
    <float4 ux:Global="TicketPurple"    ux:Value="#3D206A"   />
    <float4 ux:Global="FlagColor"       ux:Value="#973067"   />
    <float4 ux:Global="MediumGray"      ux:Value="#A5A3A8"   />
    <float4 ux:Global="FadedMediumGray" ux:Value="#A5A3A877" />
    <float4 ux:Global="TicketRed"       ux:Value="#CC2421"   />
    <float4 ux:Global="IndicatorColor"  ux:Value="#A34379"   />
    <SolidColor ux:Global="FlagColorBrush" Color="FlagColor" />

We can then use these colors by their names instead of inputting the hex codes everywhere.

The ScrollingAnimation

The purple part containing the content which should “wrap” away as the user scrolls is defined in its own layer by having them in their own Grid. This Grid is then put underneath the actual ScrollView which is offset by the size of the Grid in its Y-direction.

This make sure that we always hit the ScrollView, but for the top most part we control the animation ourselves.

<Text ux:Class="T" Color="LightGray" Alignment="CenterLeft"/>
<Grid ux:Name="ticketInfo" Rows="150,80,130" Alignment="Top" >
    <Panel ux:Name="trip" >
        <HorizontalStripedLine ux:Name="stripedLine" NSegments="25" Padding="25,0" Alignment="Bottom"/>
        <Grid RowCount="4" Columns="60,1*" Color="TicketPurple" Padding="20">
            <Image File="Icons/arrow.png" Alignment="CenterLeft" Width="30">
                <Rotation Degrees="180" />
            </Image> <T Value="Fri 15 May 2015"  FontSize="22"/>
            <T Value="Dep." Color="LightGrayFaded" FontSize="12"/> <T Value="11:07 Manchester Piccadilly" />
            <T Value="Arr." Color="LightGrayFaded" FontSize="12"/> <T Value="14:35 London King`s Cross" />
            <Panel /> <T FontSize="14" Color="LightGray" Value="Duration: 3hr 28m Changes: 2" />

    <Panel ux:Name="ticket" Color="TicketPurple">

        <Grid Columns="40,1*" Padding="15" ux:Name="ticketContent">
            <Flag Height="15" Width="20" Alignment="TopLeft"/>
                    <Text Value="ABX456789" Color="LightGray"/>
                    <Text Value="&#163; 87.60" Color="LightGray" Dock="Right"/>
                <Text Value="Your ticket is ready for collection." Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12" Margin="0,5,0,0"/>
                <Text Value="Find out how" Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12"/>
    <Panel ux:Name="info" Color="LightGray">
        <Panel ux:Name="infoContent">
            <Panel Alignment="TopRight" Margin="15">
                <Text Value="1st" Color="LightGray" Alignment="Center" FontSize="13"/>
                <Rectangle Color="TicketPurple" CornerRadius="10" Height="20" Width="40"/>
            <StackPanel Padding="20">
                <Text Value="Anytime Return" FontSize="15"/>

                <Text Value="2 Adults 1 Child" FontSize="14" Margin="0,10,0,0"/>
                <Text Value="1 Senior Railcard 1 Annual Gold Card" FontSize="14"/>

                <Text Value="Valid only on your chosen service. Not refundable." Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12" Margin="0,10,0,0"/>
                <Text Value="Changeable prior to date of travel for a fee."      Color="MediumGray" FontSize="12"/>

The ScrollView contains several ScrollingAnimation animators, which are used to animate the collapsing items. There are three main main ranges; (0,150), (150,240) and (220,370). They roughly correspond to the height of the elements they animate.

        <Panel Height="360" />
            <StackPanel Color="White" >
                <Each Count="5">
                    <Trip />

            <ScrollingAnimation From="0" To="150">
                <Move Target="info" Y="-1" RelativeTo="Size"/>
            <ScrollingAnimation From="0" To="130">
                <Move Target="infoContent" Y="0.5" RelativeTo="Size" />
                <Change Target="infoContent.Opacity" Value="0" Easing="QuadraticInOut"/>

            <ScrollingAnimation From="150" To="240">
                <Move Target="ticket" Y="-1" RelativeTo="Size"/>
            <ScrollingAnimation From="150" To="220">
                <Move Target="ticketContent" Y="0.4" RelativeTo="ParentSize" />
                <Move Target="stripedLine" Y="-0.05" RelativeTo="ParentSize" RelativeNode="ticket"/>
                <Change ticketContent.Opacity="0" Easing="QuadraticInOut"/>
                <Change stripedLine.Opacity="0" Easing="QuadraticInOut"/>

            <ScrollingAnimation From="220" To="370">
                <Move Target="trip" Y="-150"/>


The striped lines

Striped strokes are soon coming to Fuse, but until then, we have to be a little clever. For this limited use-case we can get away with creating a couple of classes.

<Panel ux:Class="StripedLine" StripeColor="FadedMediumGray">
        <float4 ux:Property="StripeColor" />
        <int ux:Property="NSegments" />

    <StripedLine ux:Class="VerticalStripedLine">
        <Grid RowCount="{ReadProperty this.NSegments}">
            <Each Count="{ReadProperty this.NSegments}">
                <Rectangle Color="{ReadProperty this.StripeColor}" Margin="1" Width="1"/>

    <StripedLine ux:Class="HorizontalStripedLine">
        <Grid ColumnCount="{ReadProperty this.NSegments}">
            <Each Count="{ReadProperty this.NSegments}">
                <Rectangle Color="{ReadProperty this.StripeColor}" Margin="1" Height="1"/>

These can then be used like so:

<HorizontalStripedLine NSegments="25" />
<VerticalStripedLine NSegments="10" />

The rest of the UX is pretty much just standard Fuse layout and animation, so download the source and play around - have fun!