Navigates forward in a Navigation, PageControl, or WebView.


In this example, GoForward will be used to navigate back to the first page of a PageControl. This is because "Forward" means "towards the first page" when used in linear navigation.

    <Panel Background="#F00" ux:Name="page1">
        <Button Alignment="Center" Text="Go to page 2">
                <NavigateTo Target="page2" />
    <Panel Background="#0F0" ux:Name="page2">
        <Button Text="Go back" Alignment="Center" Margin="10">
                <GoForward />

Forward refers to pages that are in front of the active one in navigation order. This trigger is not suitable for navigation that does not have a history or sequence of pages.

See Navigation Order


Fuse.Navigation 2.9.1
Show Uno properties and methods

Interface of GoForward

Inherited from BackForwardNavigationTriggerAction

Inherited from TriggerAction

AtProgress : float ux

A value between 0 and 1 for when the action should be performed. Alternative to Delay.

Delay : float ux

The number of seconds after the start of the trigger that the action should be performed.

TargetNode : Node ux

The node that the action targets. If not specified then the enclsoing Trigger will be used. Several triggers can look for a target starting from this point. Some triggers require a Target to be specified.

Unroot uno

Called when the owner of this object is unrooted. This gives an action to cleanup resources or cancel pending actions.

Inherited from PropertyObject

Inherited from object

Attached UX Attributes

GlobalKey (attached by Resource) : string ux

The ux:Global attribute creates a global resource that is accessible everywhere in UX markup.

Implemented Interfaces